Trekkers who does not want to leave their valuables in rooms can hire more than one porter or more basing on the size of the luggage. In most cases, trekkers move with a small bag, cameras and bottled water.
Porters are paid between US$20-US$25 per trek basing on the size of the luggage. Porters are readily available every day at the park headquarters. After briefing about Gorilla trekking, its the right time to hire a porter.
Porters are screened and no worries about stealing your valuables. Porters are children from the nearby communities are well known to game rangers in the park. Porters have no other serious jobs and they depend on this activity so, its better to tip them after the service.
Porters are not a must and you can carry your small bag and camera depending on how energetic you feel. For more information, each Gorilla trekker is advised to get a walking stick to support him/ her through a slipper trail.
Weak, aged and sick people can hire porters to carry them on stretchers. This is a bit expensive because you pay between US$300-US$400 depending on where Gorilla have been found. The distance you walk while searching for Mountain Gorillas depend on their movement.
In brief, its important to hire porters because gorillas move freely in their natural habitat and you can’t detect where to find them. You may undermine the trek but to your surprise it can turn a tough one.