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Gorilla Feeding Habits

Gorilla Feeding Habits

Gorilla Feeding Habits

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Gorillas are wild animals which spend most of the life time in forest, mountains and bushes. There are lowland gorillas, cross River gorilla and mountain Gorillas which are mostly trekked.  Gorillas are among the social animals since they stay in groups and each group is headed by a silver back or a dominant  black back Male Gorilla .

Gorillas are herbivores which means that they only consume plant leaves however, some people believe that Gorillas some times eat meat which is not true.

Gorillas spend most of their day time eating leaves, grass, twigs, fruits, berries, and shoots but rarely eat small insects.

It is common for a male to eat about 40 pounds of food daily. They have very large stomachs and a very fast digestive system.

Gorillas can use sticks or rocks to break open various types of fruits so they can get inside of them for the good parts.

Depending on where they live, more than 150 types of plants, flowers, nuts, and trees have been identified as being consumed by gorillas. They are careful not to deplete an area of food either. This is one of the reasons why the troop will spread out when they feed instead of all doing so in one centralized area.

Gorillas need lots of fiber and that is found in the various fruits and berries they consume. They also get sugar from these foods which they need too. That is why Gorilla eats a variety of food stuffs.

How does Gorilla obtain food and water?

Gorillas use their hands to bring water to their mouths.

They use sticks to scoop termites from the ground

Gorillas use stones to split nuts

They use their strong arms to pluck off leaves, fruits and stem to eat.

Gorillas that are kept in zoos are mostly fed on ficus leaves, plenty of bananas, and an assortment of fruits and vegetables. It often changes depending on what is in season. Carrots seem to be one of the common afternoon snacks given to gorillas at zoos.