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Chimps in Kibale National Park

Chimps in Kibale National ParkWhat is chimpanzee trekking?

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Chimpanzee trekking is an activity where visitors walk through the forest in search of chimpanzees. It is a really rewarding venture as it exposes guests to the delights and routines of chimps not like our own, but a rare extremely rewarding experience. Trekking chimpanzees is an activity that can run from minutes to hours depending on the movement of the chimpanzees in the forest. In Uganda, chimpanzee trekking is done in two shifts- either morning or afternoon. Here visitors move along trekking trails looking for a particular chimpanzee troop. Once the chimp troop is identified, visitors are allowed one hour interaction with man’s distant cousins in their natural habitat after which they move back to the park.

Explain chimpanzee behavior

Chimpanzees live in social communities of several dozen individuals and can habituate themselves to African rain forests, woodlands and grasslands. Like other primates, chimps live in groups which range between 15-150 members which are led by an Alpha male. The species live in a strict male dominated hierarchy. They settle disputes without violence. Chimps are omnivorous- fruit and plant eaters, but they also consume insects, eggs, meat among others. Chimpanzees rely heavily on a wide range of fruits, bark, nuts, eggs, insects, and hunt monkeys and other small animals for meat. Chimps have been observed as one of the few animal species that use tools. They shape and retrieve insects from their nests or dig grubs out of logs. Chimps can also use stones to smash open nuts, employ leaves as sponges to soak up drinking water among others.

How is chimpanzee trekking conducted in Uganda?

In Uganda, chimpanzee trekking begins with briefing at the park where visitors are taken through the dos and don’ts while before, during and after chimp trekking. The activity is done in shifts which include morning and afternoon. The chimpanzee trek is guided by two rangers; one who leads the group and one who is stationed at the back. Visitors then move long or short distances along trekking trails looking for a particular chimpanzee troop. Once the chimpanzee troop is sighted, visitors are allowed one hour interaction with man’s distant cousins in their natural habitat after which they move back to the park.

What is the maximum number of people allowed to trek chimpanzees?

The maximum number of people allowed to trek chimpanzees is eight who constitute one group which is assigned a guide as they embark on chimp tracking.

What is a chimpanzee permit or pass?

A chimpanzee permit or pass is a document that allows a person to access a chimpanzee destination to trek the chimps. It is an identification provided by Uganda wildlife Authority authorizing a tourist or trekker to access the forest and track chimpanzees.

How can I book a chimp permit?

You can book a chimpanzee permit from Uganda Wildlife Authority offices in Kampala either online or in person. You can as well book your chimp permit through a local tour operator by providing details of when you plan to track chimpanzees. This is usually done prior to the trekking day to avoid any inconveniences.

What is the latest time of booking a chimp permit?

It is recommended to book a chimpanzee permit at least six months before the trekking the day.

Is there age limit for chimp trekking?

Yes, you must be at least 15 years old to trek chimpanzees in Uganda. This is because any person below 15 is considered a child thus may not be fit to trek the chimpanzees.

Where can I trek chimps in Uganda?

Chimpanzees are found almost exclusively in the dense forested regions of Uganda. Uganda has close to 5000 chimpanzee in East Africa in protected and non protected areas. There are several places where you can track chimpanzees in Uganda. Here are the top chimpanzee trekking destinations in Uganda;

Kibale forest national park

Kibale is the leading chimpanzee destination in Uganda and the rest of East Africa. The forest has about 30% of the chimpanzee population in Uganda. Kibale offers both chimp trekking and habituation experiences. The national park is home to about 1500 chimpanzees living in 13 communities together with other wildlife.

Budongo forest – Murchison falls national park

Budongo forest at the Kaniyo- Pabidi section in Murchison falls national park is another place to go for chimpanzee trekking in Uganda. The forest is located in the northwest on the escarpment of Lake Albert about four hours from Kampala, making it the nearest chimp tracking destination. Budongo forest has over 9 species of primates including 600-700 chimpanzees which make chimp trekking here a magical adventure alongside other wildlife. Budongo provides two chimp tracking sessions a day that is morning and afternoon.

Kyambura gorge- Queen Elizabeth national park

Kyambura is part of the western rift valley and provides such a unique setting and back drop for magnificent chimpanzee trekking. This impressive valley is home to chimpanzees and several primate species including the red tailed monkeys, black and white colobus monkeys, baboons as well as vervet monkeys. Chimpanzee trekking in Kyambura lasts 3 hours and chimp permits are usually cheaper than those for Kibale forest national park.

Kalinzu forest reserve

Kalinzu forest reserve near Queen Elizabeth is famous for chimp trekking in Uganda. Kalinzu forest reserve has a total of about 300 chimpanzees and about 40 habituated ones. Chimpanzee trekking permits are cheaper compared to other places in Uganda; making it a perfect budget option for chimp tracking.

Toro-Semuliki wildlife reserve

This is another great spot for chimpanzee tracking in Uganda. The reserve offers quieter and less certain, chimp encounters than the nearby Kibale, Kyambura gorge and Kalinzu forest. These chimps tend to be clearer because of lighter forest cover. The chimp tracking here offers one of the lowest price chimp tracking experiences in Uganda. Chimpanzee trekking lasts 3-4 hours although one may be able to view other primates like red- tailed, vervet, black-and white colobus monkeys among others.

Unlike the fore mentioned places, Ngamba Island chimpanzee sanctuary and Uganda Wildlife Conservation Education Centre provide you with the chance for chimpanzee viewing in Uganda. The visitor is able to view chimpanzees in their natural habitat with the protection of a wire mesh.

What are the chances of meeting chimpanzees in Uganda?

There are high chances of meeting chimpanzees in Uganda. This is due to the presence of various chimpanzee tracking and chimpanzee viewing destinations in the country. These are adorned with plenty of chimpanzees topping the list is Kibale forest national park along other destinations fore mentioned.

Is there chimpanzee habituation in Uganda?

Yes, Uganda offers chimpanzee habituation only enjoyed at Kibale forest national park. Habituation is a two year long process where primatologists spend time with the chimps to familiarize them with human presence. During chimpanzee habituation experiences, visitors get to spend more time with the chimps, contribute to the research and the habituation process with primatologists. This fascinating experience allows visitors enough time to connect with a chimpanzee group, learn about their different characters, habits and group dynamics. Chimpanzee habituation on the other hand rewards visitors with a day or half day in the presence of chimps.

What is the best time for chimp trekking?

The best time to go chimpanzee trekking is during the drier seasons June to October and December to February. This is because during the dry season the chimpanzee trekking trails are drier and easy to trek. April to May and September to November usually are wet seasons but ideal if one wants to avoid crowds as well as to enjoy discounted lodging services.

How should I prepare for a chimpanzee trekking safari?

Just like other safaris to Uganda, a chimpanzee trekking safari requires adequate preparation ranging from transport, to accommodation and the necessary parking list. While you plan to trek chimps in Uganda, here is a list of some of the necessary items you will need: water resistant boots, raining gear, gloves, water resistant jacket, insect repellant, long sleeved shirt and a pair of trousers, camera, and back pack.

How can I get a discounted chimpanzee trip?

Discounted chimpanzee trips can be enjoyed usually during the low seasons. These are often wet seasons where most lodging is offered at discounted rates since few visitors travel to the country during these seasons. Similarly, different chimpanzee destinations offer different chimp trekking costs. For instance, other than Kibale forest national park whose cost of a permit is 150 USD currently, the other chimpanzee destinations offer relatively cheaper chimpanzee trips which a guest could choose.