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Kyenjojo district, Uganda


Kyenjojo is one of the cleanest districts in Uganda. It is located in western part of Uganda. It shares the boarders with Kabarole district to the west, Kyegegwa district to the east, Kamwenge district to the north. It is located in Toro region and is under Tooro kingdom.

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Kyenjojo district is divided into two counties, i.e. Mwenge North and Mwenge South. It was named Mwenge which means banana beer. In Kyenjojo the make a lot of alcohol from banana, and never leave Kyenjojo without testing the banana Alcohol.

The name Kyenjojo came from how the elephants were the common animals in this district so they decide to name it Kyenjojo to mean the place where elephants live. The word enjojo means elephant in Rutooro it was a tuff time to chase this elephants from the area where people where stay. At time they could destroy the crops planted by local people.

Kyenjojo district is approximated to 2370km2 in size and the land area covers approximately 200523 square kilometers. The popular languages spoken in Kyenjojo is Rutooro, other languages include Rukiga, Runyankole, Banyooro, Runyooro and few Runyarwanda because some places where settled by people from Rwanda and it was named Kinyarwanda.

To access Kyenjojo you have to pass in different routs but the easiest route is Mityana road-Mubende. The other options are. Masaka Mbarara-Fortportal, Hoima- Kagadi within all this routes is well constructed and it’s a tarmac road. All these routes there is nowhere to use a ferrery 4x4cars are highly recommended to travel well.

The place experience all seasons in the year, it has summer and warm, winter and wet. The best season to visit Kyenjojo is warm weather activities are for early June to late September and mid-December to January. Mid-December is the best in all seasons since it has holidays full of funny and a lot of entertainment from the local people.



This was constructed by the USA father Richard in 2005 and was completed in 2012, this is the biggest cathedral in the whole district of Kyenjojo district, its located in Kyarusonzi sub- county, you will experience the cool air from the trees planted within the premises of church. It’s a place of worship and leisure, it’s for free entry, you will find a lot of people in the church praying and others are having leisure time in the compound. The place has security 24/7 you can park your vehicle without any fear, you can camp there for some days.

Kyarusonzi cathedrals are attracting more worshippers and diversifying towards new activities and programs to meet the changing needs of the communities. It is inspiring to see how Kyarusonzi cathedral have built upon their traditional congregation. The cathedral maintained the Christian worship at the heart of what they do through the events, services and other activities they provide to the local people through constructing schools like St. JOSEPH HILL S.S.S IN KYEMBOGO and other primary schools.

Tourism is a major source of support for cathedral and it was fascinating to see how this cathedrals balance the needs of worshipers with their position as cultural centers. Visitors where increased in number through creative campaign and social media. The projects where regenerated beyond their own walls, working to bring visitors to the town boost the local economy.

I was most keen to learn what the cathedral do in and for the local people. Over the years this cathedral is a source of strength, collaboration and comfort for all of over communities regardless of faith or back ground. People are growing spiritually and people getting jobs through the projects of the cathedral is running.


Its well know that western Uganda is too fertile for all kind of cash crops and Tea plantation is one of the major cash crop grown in Kyenjojo district, there more than 5 tea company producers but James finally Uganda limited is the biggest company it produces more than 700000 tea leaf per day. Before you leave Kyenjojo its better you spend like 3hours in that tea plantation and the factory, you will be able to see how the tea leafs come in to final product as teas, you will see how the local people harvest tea using their baskets the company all kind of tribes it’s easy to interrupt with them during lunch time and break time.


One of the biggest forests in kyenenjojo district to visit it includes a lot of spices count but the most common ones are monkeys and black and white calla bus baboon is the main tourist in muzizi forest.

Apart from animal tour, there is bird watching in this forest. In this forest includes a lot of spices of birds with a very beautiful color everyone would like to see when you reach in this forest. The bird includes woodpeckers blue headed sunbird, Africa fish eagle, and so many others

The forest contains exceptional variety of flora and fauna. Natural walks is one of the activity carried out within the forest, you can walk provide more relaxed opportunities to explore the forest. Community walks through edge village provides insight into the time of the local people (Bakiga) and Banyankoole

The forest lies between nyaruzigate and kyamutuzi. Within the forest you find a river called Aswa which joins with muzizi and muzizi takes to Albert

In the river muzizi you can do fishing, swimming is also done but with the professional swimmer.


This is one of the water bodies that most of the researchers have not yet established well its historical background. Very few people knows about this river so if interested in research it’s the best place to start with, it has some waterfalls that are very interesting to see

Within the forest you find a river called Aswa which joins with muzizi and muzizi takes to Albert

In the river muzizi you can do fishing, swimming is also done but with the professional swimmer

The water from ASWA ends in River muzizi which pours its water to Lake Albert. ADuring rainy season this river because had to cross it, all the bridges will be covered with water and the only means o transport during that season is water transport using boats.


Kyenjojo district have a lot of local dances from different tribes; in Amparo village you will find there the Matooro dance, Makiiga, and Kinyarwanda. These groups of entertainer have their special days of performing, the favorite days are the weekends, and the local people are so friendly to the visitor up to the last day. You can be entertained for free you’re not changed any money, but if you’re willing to do for them something for appreciation that’s well and good. You will never test the Matooro dance anywhere in Kyenjojo than Mparo village. The carnivals in Mparo are a parade with people and dancers adorned in bright color during charismas periods, with music and people dancing, eating and drinking. The largest carnival is on the streets of kasaba during New Year.